'Ra Ra' is a horror-comedy-thriller starring Srikanth in the lead role. The First Look of the same has been released by Megastar Chiranjeevi at his residence, where Srikanth met his all-time favourite matinee idol. Produced by Vijay, it's presented by Sreemitra Chowdhary.
Chiranjeevi said, "My brother Srikanth and Sreemitra Chowdhary are coming up with an interesting horror-comedy. Srikanth has hits like 'Pelli Sandadi' and 'Preyasi Raave'. I liked the trailer and I am now eager to watch the movie. I got excited when told that the film has games that can appeal to the kids. The game is about a fight between humans and demons."
Srikanth said, "I thank the Megastar for launching the First Look. I hope this movie will be a big hit. This is my first horror-comedy in my career."
Done with the production part, 'Ra Ra' will hit the screens in March. It's directed by Vizi Charish Unit.
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