Young and handsome actor Gopichand has been waiting for the much needed break in his career. After he established himself in Tollywood, the actor tasted back to back debacles. He teamed up with Sampath Nandi for an action entertainer. The movie has been titled Gautam Nanda and the makers unveiled the first look of the film today. Gopichand looked ultra stylish in the new look which left many in surprise.
Gopichand looks lean with shaped beard and spiked hair in the look which is one of his best looks till date. Hansika is the female lead in the movie and Gautam Nanda is in final stages of shoot. SS Thaman is the music composer and J Bhagavan, J Pulla Rao produced Gautam Nanda on Sri Balaji Cine Media banner. The movie will hit the screens sometime during summer this year.
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